Our Praca Print Publishing division offers the following publications, available for purchase through Amazon:
Anxiety Relief for New eBay Sellers —
From Start to Finish: A Complete Selling Plan for Beginners
Overwhelmed by all of the steps it takes to sell on eBay? Learn from the author’s successes and mistakes as he explains a start-to-finish sales plan for worry-free selling that you can use today. This easy-to-use, informative guide helps you understand what you need to know and how to succeed, anxiety free.
Virtual: A Guide to Telecommuting
Thinking about teleworking or want to improve your telecommuting experience? Learn how to make the telecommuting experience work for you. Uncover the truth about being a teleworker – the good, the bad, and the compromises you’ll need to make.
Guide to EuroCave Wine Cellars
Selecting the right EuroCave wine cellar just got easier. EuroCave wine cellars are some of the most popular and desired wine cellars on the market today. With this guide, you can quickly compare the attributes and features of more than 40 wine cellars across EuroCave’s many collections – finding the right wine cellar for you!
Guide to Vinotheque Wine Cellars
Finding the right Vinotheque wine cellar has never been simpler. Before investing in a Vinotheque wine cellar, use this guide to quickly compare the attributes and features of more than 100 wine cellars across 19 different collections. If you want a Vinotheque wine cellar, then you need this book.